Recently, Hamilton City Council requested the Government considers a regional fuel tax for our region. This is completely unnecessary and an extra tax on Hamiltonians who are soon to experience a major reduction in transport investment.
Currently, we receive our share of the land transport budget for New Zealand, broadly commensurate our size. As 9 per cent of New Zealand's population we should receive 9 per cent of the land transport budget. This can be seen in the last decade through funding the Waikato Expressway.
The $2 billion project is due to be completed in 2020. The stage of the expressway from Cambridge to Piarere is a $400-500 million project and would continue our relative share of the land transport budget from 2020-2023.
The current Government has made it clear that this project is not a priority so it is at risk. Their stated intention is to give the Waikato-Bay of Plenty region a subsidy in the order of $20m for passenger rail links to Auckland.
This means that as a region we potentially lose about $400m of our share of transport funding from 2020 onwards.