Coastguard's Old4New lifejacket upgrade is back. Bring your old, damaged or ill-fitting lifejackets to one of the 63 Old4New van locations and upgrade them for new, heavily discounted Hutchwilco models.
This year, the Old4New van, kindly provided by the Giltrap Group, will reach new locations including Lake Waikaremoana, Kinloch and Turangi.
Since its introduction, Old4New has greatly assisted Coastguard in its mission of 'Saving Lives at Sea'. Over 13,500 old lifejackets have been upgraded through the initiative.
This is a number Old4New Community Ambassador Sue Tucker is keen to increase this summer.
"We continue to see lifejackets in all shapes and sizes, some even 50 years old, and what a lot of them have in common is that in an emergency they won't keep you safe. We need to be out in the community reminding Kiwis that lifejackets don't last a lifetime," says Sue.