Summer Millett, Ben Germann, Lucas Graham Oliver Eales and principal Paul Spicer hanging out on the old playground. Photo/Kate Durie.
Ōhaupō School has launched a new "Buy a Brick" campaign to raise the money required for a new playground. The current playground is over 20 years old, falling apart and becoming unsafe.
The bricks will be used to either create a footpath or a wall.
"The bricks will be there indefinitely," says deputy principal Paul Spicer.
The community and businesses have the opportunity to donate and have their name engraved and be part of the school's history.
Payment options are Foundation Donation of $150, Platinum Donation of $550 and an Enduring Supporter Donation of $1000 of more.
Ōhaupō School PTA has raised $55,000, however, another $60,000 is still needed. "Donations give us the best chance to secure the playground before there are any further equipment and installation cost increases," says Ōhaupō PTA president Rochelle Killip.
"The playground is past it's used by date, a lot of the wood is starting to rot, so we are constantly having to replace that.
"Some of the other parts of the playground don't work anymore due to rust and the flying fox doesn't slide properly anymore.
Paul says the school community "just want our kids to have a functional playground, they deserve that."
The ground area will be reshaped but the new playground will occupy the same footprint.
Paul adds that "if we are wanting to get the playground completed this year, we really have to push and urge for some extra support from the community."
Before Covid, some Ōhaupō students visited a bunch of different playgrounds in the area and were asked about aspects they liked the most about each playground.
"From their feedback, we have been able to incorporate that into our design, this playground is very student-driven," says Paul.
He says that out of all of the flash playgrounds visited by students, the swings happened to be the most used.
"I would have thought in today's age, with all the fancy equipment, they wouldn't be as popular, but kids love them — so we have added swings in our design.
"Plus a lot of other cool stuff."
To find out how to buy a brick email Ōhaupō PTA —