Keep New Zealand Beautiful (KNZB) this week launched an anti-litter campaign, fronted by a boisterous character named Mama Nature — played by comedian David Fane — to celebrate Kiwis doing the right thingin disposing of rubbish.
The KNZB Oasis will be at the Waikato Show on Friday and Saturday where people can check out the interactive VR experience and win spot prizes for putting litter in the bin.
KNZB saw a need for a new litter reduction campaign after its volunteers collected enough rubbish to fill 120 rugby fields with litter reaching half a metre in height from just one week-long clean-up.
The campaign also aims to tackle new research showing the top items littered in public places by New Zealanders, with the key culprit being cigarette butts (78 per cent of litter), followed by takeaway packaging (5 per cent).
Mama Nature was developed by KNZB to encourage Kiwis to do the right thing with their litter including disposing of it in the bin, taking litter home when a bin isn't available and picking up litter they come across.