A group of ukulele players who all live on the same street in Te Pahu will be the entertainers at the fourth and final Kihikihi Spring Ukulele Festival concert this weekend on Sunday, December 1.
Sylvia's Toaster is a ukulele band made up of 11 women and one man who together specialise in playing songs about love, hate, revenge and knitting.
The concert on Sunday will bring the Kihikihi Lazy Sunday concert series organised by Kihikihi Residents and Ratepayers group to an end. It has been running on the first Sunday of every month since September coinciding with the Kihikihi Police House and Temple Cottage open day and the Māori Women's Welfare League car boot sale.
It will take place at the Anglican Church Hall at 2pm. Entry is by a donation.
The series coordinator Sara Grayson said November's concert drew a big crowd to the event with over 120 people watching the entertaining Big Muffin Serious Band.