A man, wearing a patch, is brutally kicked in the head after being assaulted several other times during the fight on Huntly's main street at the weekend.
A man, wearing a patch, is brutally kicked in the head after being assaulted several other times during the fight on Huntly's main street at the weekend.
A group of rival gang members have been caught on video involved in a vicious brawl witnessed by children.
However, not only can children be heard crying but young kids can also be seen trying to get involved in the fight on Huntly's main street on Saturday.
Four men from different gangs - Mongrel Mob, Nomads and Black Power - are seen outside a laundromat and women can be heard telling the men to beat them up, saying: "F*** him up, dog, f***ing smash him."
Two men start fighting, throwing punches, before two other men get involved.
When contacted, a police spokesperson said the group had fled before they arrived.
Police received a report of "a disorder incident" on Main Street, Huntly, shortly after 10am on Saturday.
"A group of people were reported to be fighting. No injuries or weapons were reported and it appears before police arrived the group had dispersed."
The fight between two of the men briefly goes out onto the road, in between parked cars.
Huntly-based Waikato District councillor Shelley Lynch didn't know much about the fight but said she was disappointed to hear about it, especially as there were children present.
"I'm very disappointed that there were children involved, that's really disheartening.
Huntly often got a hard time about crime and incidents like this didn't help, she said.
"That people let their families down by carrying on in a violent way in a public place, although it's not a good idea to do it anywhere especially with kids involved."