Altrusa Te Awamutu members impersonating Dr Seuss characters, from left: Trish Cunliffe, Lyn Coutts, Leanne Milligan, Vicky Apps, Robyn Atherton and, seated, Alison Todd. Photo / Dean Taylor
A party with a difference was held at Te Awamutu Library on Saturday as Altrusa Te Awamutu combined with Waipā Libraries for Dr Seuss’ Birthday Party.
Upwards of 140 people took part in the event, being welcomed by Altrusa members as Dr Seuss characters.
Cupcakes were handed out at the door and members gave children copies of Dr Seuss’ books. Many families stayed on and shared stories with children and checked out other library activities.
Altrusa co-organiser Robyn Moore says 60 books were given away.
“We had a lot of fun and it was lovely to see so many families there.”
Altrusa Te Awamutu is definitely looking at doing it again next year.
Robyn also thanked Te Awamutu Library and its librarians for all their support.
She added that leftovers from the cake tray were donated to another of the local group they support - Muffins for Mums.
Waipā outreach librarian Dee Atkins says it was a successful event for Te Awamutu Library.
Library visitor comments included:
This is great. My daughter loves Dr Seuss and was so excited to dress up and come to a storytime”;
“What a great idea to partner with Altrusa, everyone is having so much fun”;
“It was really special to receive a book and the cupcakes were delicious as well.”
Staff were also pleased some non-library users also attended and left comments such as: “Wow! You have such a great selection of books, we are going to join up.”