More than half of drivers parking in Hamilton's CBD are not having their vehicle details recorded, meaning the two hours a day free parking rule cannot be fully monitored.
It seems there just aren't enough parking wardens to get to every vehicle as it parks to scan the registration details. They are getting to only 40 per cent of cars, even though the new parking scheme set a target of 70 to 80 per cent when it started in October.
When a car parks, a sensor in the road alerts parking wardens who are supposed to come along and scan the registration details to validate the parking.
The scheme, which will be fully reviewed in June, gives motorists two hours free parking in total for that day — either in the one spot or at another spot with a sensor. Each extra hour costs $6.
The head of the council's parking taskforce, Councillor Geoff Taylor, gave a verbal update on the trial scheme to the city council's growth and infrastructure committee meeting on Tuesday. A full report is due to come to the council in April. It is expected to have details of how the scheme has affected council parking revenues, but early indications are there has been a huge reduction.