"The good news is we have lots of fun virtual activities and e-books available that will help the two-week closure fly by. Check out our digital library for fun options, including eBooks and audiobooks," Pennruscoe said.
"During the closure – if we can safely do so – we'll be running an outreach programme out of Western Community Centre, Te Whare O Te Ata and Waimarie, which would be a silver lining. We're looking forward to connecting with people outside of a usual library setting."
Hamilton City Libraries will also run the 'Click and Collect' service during the two weeks. Through this service, the team will pack up to 10 books for customers to collect from Hamilton's five other libraries.
The after-hours return chute of the Central Library will remain open, so customers can return any items.
Once the library reopens, the passenger lift will remain closed for up to six weeks while the new lift is installed. During this time, customers can use the goods and services lift to move between floors.
The goods and services lift will also be demolished and replaced in November.
"We are hoping to avoid a second closure as the goods lift is further to the back of the library and might not be as disruptive," Pennruscoe said. "However, we will reassess this during the first lift replacement and let our community know."
The lifts were due to be replaced last year, but Covid-19 related shipping delays saw the renewal work postponed.
Hamilton's five other libraries can be found in Chartwell, Dinsdale, Glenview, Hillcrest, and St Andrews.