An impression of what the planned pedestrian and cycle bridge might look like. Image / Brian Squair of Chow:Hill Architects
An impression of what the planned pedestrian and cycle bridge might look like. Image / Brian Squair of Chow:Hill Architects
Hamilton City Council is awaiting an answer on a pre-Christmas wish sent to central Government that could see a proposed pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Waikato River in the CBD shaping up sooner than expected.
The council's bridge wish was part of a $333.5 million proposal to Government's Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF) that could see the pedestrian and cycle bridge receiving a $29 million boost if successful.
The fund helps pay for core infrastructure so more housing can be built faster, to address the national housing crisis and has $3.8 billion available.
The $36m pedestrian and cycle bridge project and associated connections would link Hamilton East's Memorial Park to the CBD beside the site where the new Waikato Regional Theatre is being built.
The new bridge plays a key role in the city's proposal to the IAF. It is planned to connect the central city to surrounding neighbourhoods and making it easier for people to travel around Hamilton for work and leisure.
Deputy mayor Geoff Taylor says he is hopeful of getting the IAF funding. "We have to have the bridge if we want to build more houses... it is a vital part for the city [and] it provides a brilliant link to Hamilton East."
He says the bridge was "his baby" and has been in the planning for around 30 years. "I wrote a story about it when it first came up. It got me into journalism school, so this project is very dear to my heart and I am delighted that it was included in the proposal to the IAF."
Hamilton deputy mayor Geoff Taylor. Photo / Supplied
Council has already committed $11m to the bridge project. Last month, the city council's Infrastructure Operations Committee agreed to spend $300,000 to fully fund a business case for the bridge in an effort to secure Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency funding support.
Taylor says he had a meeting with Rotary and the club was on board with the bridge as well. "We [initially] thought we could get the bridge for the [club's] 100th anniversary in 2024. We may not get it exactly in time, but what a cool way to celebrate [the centenary]."
Other projects within the council's IAF proposal include $120m for bulk water mains and a reservoir and booster pump station, $104m for wastewater upgrades, $10m to source a stormwater treatment device and an additional $50m for transport improvements.
The HCC's bid is supported by $129.3m of co-funding from the council and an estimated $100m of direct infrastructure investment from the development community.
Hamilton mayor Paula Southgate. Photo / Hamilton City Council
Hamilton mayor Paula Southgate says Hamilton was a high-growth city and this bid met the Government directive to allow for greater height and denser housing close to jobs and community services.
"We're all on the same page. We all want more housing, faster, in our city, but we cannot have more housing without more infrastructure that's fit-for-purpose. So, we need the Government to step up and show us the money to help make it happen.
"Right now there is an enormous gap between what we need to develop and what our ratepayers can afford. If successful, this proposal will go a long way in closing that gap and ensuring Hamilton can continue its role as a prosperous metro in the heart of our region."
Alongside the central city proposal, HCC also approved a separate bid for Rototuna North, seeking $20.8m for the Borman Rd extension and wastewater and stormwater services.