Cr Mallett said that the CBD library is not an easy place to get to, and that with new technologies and libraries placed around Hamilton, fixing the building would be an irresponsible use of ratepayer's money.
"I think we would be remiss to put our hands across our eyes and fingers in our ears and pretend that the new technologies aren't there.
"There are other higher priorities for our city and for our residents."
Cr Mallett also said that after discussions with developers[Matt Stark and Steve McLennan] of the new Garden Place concept, that fewer "ratbags" had been in Garden Place after the library closed.
Mayor Andrew King voted in favour of fixing the building, but has concerns over how it was used and will discuss ideas at future meetings.
"I don't believe it is the community hub that it could be and it should be," Mayor King said.
"I do have serious concerns and I do believe that needs to be looked at seriously."
councillor Dave Macpherson wanted to see the suburban libraries expanded.
"The retention and expansion of our suburban library network I think are much more in my mind the lifeblood of the library service," Cr Macpherson said.
"I don't think long term that having a standard four-storey office block library in the central city is the best thing."
Opening up the library's front entrance was one of the suggestions councillor Siggi Henry made when she spoke in favour of fixing the building.
"It just looks a little bit like a bunker to me," Cr Henry said.
Councillor Leo Tooman supported the vote, and was scared that he could not go back to his dentist if the library fix had not been successful.
"Last week I was at the dentist, and it is very hard to talk to the dentist when she is working on your mouth," said Cr Tooman
"She bagged at me the whole time I was there about the closure of the library, I have to go back on Monday and I dare not go back without actually saying to her we will open this library."
After the vote, the Hamilton City Libraries Facebook page received positive comments.
Emma Cross posted saying "Great news, it has been sorely missed, the temporary pop-up library was good but does not compare to all the resources and services the central library provides.
The pop-up central library will remain open until the repairs are complete.