Minister for Infrastructure Chris Bishop says the Fast Track Approvals Bill will help “rebuild the economy and fix our housing crisis, improve energy security, and address our infrastructure deficit”. Photo / Mark Mitchell
Minister for Infrastructure Chris Bishop says the Fast Track Approvals Bill will help “rebuild the economy and fix our housing crisis, improve energy security, and address our infrastructure deficit”. Photo / Mark Mitchell
Housing developments are on the fast-track too; at least five are planned around Hamilton.
Minister for Infrastructure Chris Bishop said the bill would help “rebuild the economy and fix our housing crisis, improve energy security, and address our infrastructure deficit”.
Regional Development Minister Shane Jones said the 149 projects selected had significant regional or national benefits.
“They will make a big difference in the regions by delivering jobs and growth and develop a pipeline of major projects to help boost the economy.”
Regional Development Minister Shane Jones. Photo / Mark Mitchell
He said the selected projects underwent a “robust” open application process run by the Ministry for the Environment, officials’ analysis, an independent assessment and recommendations process by an independent Advisory Group, and final decisions by Cabinet.
“The 149 projects chosen by Cabinet to be listed in the bill will be listed in Schedule 2 of the bill once the bill is reported back from the Environment Committee in mid-October.
“Once the bill is passed, they will be able to apply to the Environmental Protection Authority to have an expert panel assess the project and apply relevant conditions.”
The bill is a key part of the Government’s plan to rebuild the economy, and to cut through the “red and green tape” that’s made it “difficult to build the projects New Zealand needs”.
The Green Steel Project - to construct and operate a steel manufacturing plant on 53 hectares of land using recycled scrap steel sourced nationwide and shredded onsite.
Ruakura Tuumata Residential and Commercial Project - the development of a residential neighbourhood of between 1100 to 1300 homes, including a neighbourhood centre, and a large retail centre nearby.
CDL - Ruakura 2 (R2) Growth Cell project - to subdivide and develop 211ha of land for 1350 residential units, and 35ha of industrial land at Puketaha, on the Waikato district side of its boundary with Hamilton City.
Wallace Rd Stage 1A and 1B subdivision and land use consent with associated roading and infrastructure - the project comprises 115ha of greenfield land for residential housing.
The Te Awa Lakes project - a 90ha mixed-use, 2500 dwelling medium-density development on land at Horotiu on the northern edge of Hamilton City.
Southern Links 1 - comprising 48ha of residential development for 1035 units and 66ha of land with industrial activities.
Huntly Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade - to upgrade the plant to support its continued operation and compliance.
Hamilton Southern Links - to develop an effective network of state highway and urban arterial routes to support Hamilton’s planned southern growth. It will link SH1 from Kahikatea Drive to the Waikato Expressway at Tamahere, and SH3 from Hamilton Airport to central and east Hamilton. There are 11km of local arterials and 21km of state highway along with associated infrastructure, activities and works.
SH1 Cambridge to Piarere Long Term Improvements project - to develop a 16km long four-lane expressway extending from the southern end of the Cambridge section of the Waikato Expressway to the intersection of SH1 and State Highway 29 (SH29) at Piarere.
SH25 Pepe Stream Bridge Replacement - to replace the existing one-way bridge and separate footpath bridge with a new two-lane bridge and shared path. Further maintenance on current bridges is no longer economical.
Mining and quarrying
RotowaroMine Continuation Project - to complete mining at current locations to extend operations into surrounding areas.
Waihī North Project - staged expansion of the existing mining operations, including a new underground mining operation at Wharekirauponga, Waihī North.
Pit 1 Mining Project - to establish and operate the staged development of a mine site for mineral sand extraction activities over 23ha.
Central and Southern Block Mining Project - to continue the existing mineral sand extraction activities over a 911ha area.
Northern Block Mining Project - to undertake mineral sand extraction activities over a 1397ha area (excluding Pit 1 and avoiding the urupā).
Renewable energy
Rotokawa Solar Farm project - to construct and operate a solar farm and to connect and supply electricity to the national grid.
Hinuera Solar Farm project - to construct and operate a solar farm and to connect to and supply electricity to the national grid.
Waikokowai Wind Farm project - to construct and operate a wind farm and to connect to and supply electricity to the national grid.
Kaimai Wind Farm project - to establish a wind farm on the 1304ha site close to major electricity users in the Auckland-Waikato-Bay of Plenty triangle, and close to Transpower’s transmission line. The project involves the establishment of 24 large-scale wind turbines.
Malisha Kumar is a multimedia journalist based in Hamilton. She joined the Waikato Herald in 2023 after working for Radio 1XX in Whakatāne.