Her goal is to continue to undertake a master’s degree in public health and be an epidemiologist in the field of medical research.
Eva says the Covid pandemic helped shape her goal, but she has always loved research and finding things out.
Previously she was leaning towards forensic medicine, but believes medical research will always be in demand in a changing world and it will open the door to a number of career options.
“I love the idea of investigating and tracking different strains of diseases,” she says.
Eva applied to Otago and Auckland Universities as well, and was accepted to both, but likes Wellington and thinks the city will appeal to her love of the arts, drama and music.
She says her big brothers Lachlan and Jordan are also in Wellington and have promised to look after their little sister.
Scholarships and Academic Awards:
Jessica Beck: Te Awamutu College Rogers Charitable Trust Tertiary Scholarship ($1500). Jessica is heading to Otago University to study Food Science — looking at new food products utilising raw materials produced by NZ primary industries.
Danielle Johnston: Vetora Tertiary Scholarship ($1500). Danielle is going to attend Waikato University to study Environmental Planning. She has an interest in the primary industries, in particular farming and how environmental factors influence animal health.
Joshua Fitzpatrick, Marnie Gielen, Sandie Goodrick, Danielle Johnston, Liana Ramsey: University of Waikato Ko Te Tangata School Leaver Scholarship, $5000.
Bethany Hughes: Nga Kete o Te Wānanga Trophy, Top Academic Māori Student in Year 13.
Major Awards:
Breanna Doig: Trebilco Cup for General Excellence Year 12 (Academic, Sports, Culture, Participation, Service).
Breanna topped Level 2 Mathematics & Statistics, and received the Paul Corboy Cup. To date she has attained all 81 Level 2 credits she has attempted, 71 at Excellence Level and has already attained University Entrance Literacy.
Breanna is a member of the Te Awamutu College Premier netball team, participated in Open Water Swimming and is a keen participant in Inter-House events.
She is a member of the committee currently organising Year 13 Camp and a member of the 2022 Health Committee.
Anita Blakely: Te Awamutu Business and Professional Women Trophy for Initiative and Enterprise.
Anita proved to be a reliable and capable Chairwoman of the 2022 Ball Committee and was able to lead and delegate effectively. She and her committee devoted considerable time and effort to planning and preparations, including venue, theme, ticket design, catering, band and decorations, culminating in an elegant and enjoyable event — The Enchanted Garden Ball. Anita was also an outstanding House Leader for Kikorangi and was vice-captain of the Premier Girls Lacrosse team.
Brylee Gibbes: Waipā District Council Service to the Community Award.
Brylee has been a capable and reliable Chairwoman of the 2022 Service Committee. Under her leadership the committee selected four humanitarian/charitable causes for mufti days in 2022: Save the Children — Children of the Ukraine; I got your backpack (providing essential items for school students); Supporting Logan (a Te Awamutu College student seeking scoliosis treatment in USA); New Zealand Search and Rescue, raising valuable funds and awareness.
Brylee and other members of the committee also gave their time and energy to run a free sausage sizzle for parents/caregivers and students on report evenings.
This year Brylee was selected to be the Youth Member of Parliament for the Taranaki-King Country electorate and she carried out the role with maturity and has been a passionate advocate for issues affecting youth.
Dylan Chestnut: Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award.
Dylan has successfully completed a Gateway placement with Waipā Electrical, juggling his schoolwork, part-time work at Livingstone Aquatic Centre as a swimming instructor, work placement and his extra study to complete an Electrical Gateway package through Skills NZ, an additional 10 Unit Standards worth 25 credits on the NZQA framework. This was all completed in his own time working around his other commitments. His goal was to complete NCEA Level 2 and his Gateway placement, gain the extra credits offered and take up a full-time job to help him with his goal of becoming an electrician, which he has achieved.
Maude Rewha: Te Awamutu Masonic Lodge’s Trophy for Excellent Contribution to the School.
Maude has been extensively involved in college life since Year 9 and has been Form Class Representative for all five years. She has had an extensive and successful volleyball career and has also participated in Athletics and Kapa Haka. She was recipient of the Tangata Toa o Te Tau Trophy for Sportsperson of the Year.
Maude has been a valuable member of several committees and an inspirational mentor as part of our Kia Tū programme for Junior Māori and Pasifika students.
This year Maude was an exceptional House Leader of the winning Pounamu House.
Brooke was a fine Head Student and is well respected by staff and her peers. She is upbeat, determined and vivacious.
Brooke helped plan and run assemblies, with the other Head Students has been in charge of the 2022 Leavers’ Jersey and has been a great ambassador for the school and role model to younger students. Brooke has had extensive participation in wider school life since Year 9 including netball, athletics, motocross and Year 13 Camp Committee. She is an enthusiastic supporter and participant in inter-house activities. Her accomplishments in BMX were recognised in 2021 by a Sports Excellence badge for 2nd place NZ BMX Nationals. It is a credit to her that she has been able to balance all of this successfully with her academic studies.
Elijah Lee: RSA Peace SCholarship ($2000).
Elijah has had continuous participation in wider school life since Year 9 including lacrosse, volleyball, rugby, Year 13 Camp Committee and Form Class Representative. His ability and skills in lacrosse have been recognised by sports excellence awards in three years and he was recognised by receiving the Bev Garrett Memorial Trophy for Excellence in Sport.
Elijah is a mature, thoughtful young man who cares about others. He has been a great Head Student team member, a fine ambassador for the school and an outstanding role model for other students and is well-respected by staff and his peers. He has successfully balanced his academic studies, service to the school and sport.
Marnie Gielen: Rotary Shield for Service to the School.
Marnie has been a fine Head Student and is a great role model in terms of attendance, wearing her uniform with pride, setting high standards and a great work ethic. She was a fine ambassador outside of school, including speaking eloquently at Anzac Day Dawn and Civic Services, to incoming Year 9s at Te Awamutu Intermediate and to the Te Awamutu Rotary Club.
She also found the time and enthusiasm to be involved in various school committees and was an enthusiastic supporter and participant in inter-house events.
Marnie has a positive attitude to life and learning and successfully balanced her academic studies with service to the school and part-time employment.
Adam Swney: Rotary Shield for Service to the School, General Excellence Cup, Mexted Cup for Proxime Accessit ($1500).
Adam was a fine Head Student, wearing his uniform with pride. He has a pleasant and positive manner. and is hardworking, reliable, mature and responsible. Through his actions and words, he is a great role model to his peers and younger students.
Adam has been a great ambassador for the school, including speaking at Te Awamutu Intermediate, at the Te Awamutu Rotary Club and participating in the Anzac Day Dawn and Civic Services.
Academically Adam topped Physics and Sports Science and attained 56 Level 3 credits, all 56 at Excellence Level, and University Entrance Literacy.
Adam played for the 1st XI Boys’ Hockey team and was an ardent participant for Kōwhai House. He also helped organise events and encouraged others to get involved.
Adam is well-respected by staff and his peers. He has successfully balanced his academic studies, service to the school and sport.
Eva Oosterman: AG Freeman Medal for Dux Litterarum ($3000, sponsored by Canon).