Kerbside rubbish collections are set to continue across the city when the country moves to COVID-19 Alert Level 4 tonight, however kerbside recycling collections will cease during the lock down.
The refuse transfer station at 60 Lincoln St will be closed to the public after close of business today. The decision to close the refuse transfer station to the public and stop kerbside recycling collections reflects the government's heightened alert levels and guidance on any services classified as non-essential.
What to do with your waste
Rubbish: Kerbside rubbish collection services will continue as usual. There will potentially be some delays to rubbish collections or some changes to the service in the coming weeks depending on staff resource and guidance around COVID-19.
Overfilled or heavy bags can be a health and safety hazard for our rubbish collection team. Please make sure they can safely lift your rubbish, so this critical service can continue to operate smoothly.