Hamilton City Council and Waipā District Council want residents to get smart about their water use and choose simple tips to save or reuse water during the holidays.
Hamilton City Council’s city waters unit director, Maire Porter, said the holidays usually signal the start of increased water use across the region, as temperatures rise and people are at home more often.
“Despite recent rainfall, we have already seen spikes in water use on sunny days, so now is a good time to remind people to use water sustainably,” said Porter.
Holidays also mean more washing or frequent dishwasher cycles. Porter recommends running machines at night when water demand is lower, and only when the washing machine or dishwasher is full.
A large amount of Hamilton and Waipā's outdoor water use is from hoses and sprinklers, with people often using them for longer than needed. Personal pools are often widely used over summer, but adding a pool cover or treating pool water with chemicals can help to stop hundreds of litres of water from going to waste.