"Hamilton ratepayers are going to get hit twice," Mr Casson said.
"I'm looking at our ratepayers here and I want to save a bit of money."
Councillor Mark Bunting supports the idea of a Regional Theatre, but said the 1.1 million per year operating grant for the next 20 years will surprise the public.
"We listen to the ratepayers and it is largely accepted that we are going to put $30 million into this project, but not much has been spoken about this 1.1 million for the next 20 years," Mr Bunting said.
"I just do not think it is right for public consultation yet."
Councillor Garry Mallett took aim at the regional funding towards the theatre.
"The regional funding model we are talking about is a fraud," Mr Mallett said.
"I think we need to include this in our balancing the books calculations and show this as a expense that we have to fund through debt."
Deputy Mayor Martin Gallagher called the building of the theatre a massive test but was glad to see that the region would be sharing some of the expense.
"What I like about this motion is that maybe the multi millionaires of Tamahere will have to pay something," Mr Gallagher said.
Councillor Paula Southgate furthered that point by saying it should be a priority for on-going conversation to happen over regional assets.
"Ideally we would have everyone singing from the same song sheet," Ms Southgate said.
"We need to have those councils talking with their communities over what these expectations are."
The motion was passed with nine in favour and three against.
Mayor Andrew King, Deputy Mayor Martin Gallagher and councillors Angela O'Leary, Leo Tooman, Dave Macpherson, Siggi Henry, Paula Southgate and Geoff Taylor voted in favour.
Councillors Casson, Mallett and Bunting voted against.