A device that counts pedestrians, people on bikes and scooters, skateboarders – even dogs – is the latest in a stream of smart transport initiatives rolled out by Hamilton City Council over the past financial year.
The Aware AI for Pathways counter, co-developed with local tech company Aware Group, allows staff to measure and analyse activity on pathways across the city in a cost-effective way. "It is solar powered and easy to install to a nearby streetlight pole," said Hamilton City Council city transportation manager Robyn Denton.
"The information collected through the counters allows us to make decisions backed by real data, analyse how changes impact usage, monitor patterns in foot traffic in front of businesses and much more. The devices have received a lot of interest, with two other New Zealand cities already placing orders for them," said Denton.
Within the council's city transportation unit, a small team has designed several other initiatives like the counter, in partnership with local companies.