The 11th Te Rā Whakamana Rangatahi Kapa Haka Festival filled the Te Awamutu ASB Stadium last week with performance, pride and passion.
The festival's name means 'a celebration of youth'.
For one day each year Waipa schools come together to allow tamariki of all backgrounds, ethnicities and beliefs to learn about Te Ao Māori (the Māori world view), tikanga (correct ways to act and exist as people) and Te Reo Māori.
This year 14 groups performed - St Patrick's Catholic School, Apakura te Kakano Early Learning Centre, Ngutunui Enviro School, Waipa Christian School, Te Purapura o Kakepuku, Te Kotahitanga (a combination of Korakonui, Pokuru and Wharepapa South schools), Kawhia School, Kihikihi Primary School, Pirongia School, Pekerau Primary School, Te Awamutu Intermediate, Te Wharekura o Nga Purapura o Te Aroha, Te Awamutu Primary School and Te Awamutu College.