The track to Cathedral Cove beach has been closed since February last year, when it was damaged by landslides caused by extreme weather events. Photo / DoC
The track to Cathedral Cove beach has been closed since February last year, when it was damaged by landslides caused by extreme weather events. Photo / DoC
A date and venues have been confirmed for community drop-in sessions on the options to reinstate walking access to the beach.
In a statement, DoC said attendees could read information on the walking access reinstatement options being considered and talk to its staff about those options.
Those attending the drop-in sessions could also respond to a survey on reinstatement options, while those who could not attend could email to provide feedback.
DoC said feedback from the public would be included in the decision-making processes.
DoC Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki regional director Tinaka Mearns said the department had identified three main options, which were now under consideration.
One was a short-term fix that would have construction of new steps and a boardwalk to reinstate a section of the existing track, while the two others would be long-term repairs involving installation of new infrastructure.
The two long-term options would require significant investment and the installation of a new, potentially cantilevered, staircase and steps to the beach — and therefore take longer to design, procure and complete.
Mearns said the land had continued to move since the initial storms, and that made identifying a simple solution challenging.
What DoC had worked to produce was a suite of possible options that covered reinstatement of walking access to the beach and also entrance to the recreation reserve.
A detailed map of the track closures around Cathedral Cove.
Upholding the values of Ngāti Hei had also been a key factor as the department worked through the options. Alignment with several pieces of conservation legislation and community perspectives provided an opportunity and created a shared awareness for compromise, Mearns said at the time.
“As an example, we’ve had to examine pros and cons for each of these options and also factor in a historic pā site which is significant to Ngāti Hei.”
Other options explored as part of the development work included visitor entry points from the Hāhei Short Walk, making use of an existing entrance at Grange Rd, and whether access over adjacent farmland is feasible.
The sessions, hosted by DoC, will be held on Saturday, May 25.
Two community drop-in sessions will be held:
The Mercury Bay Community Boardroom, 10 Monk St, Whitianga, 9.30am to noon.
The Hāhei Community Hall, 52 Hāhei Beach Rd, Hāhei, 2pm to 4.30pm.