NZ Certified Builders Waikato has donated four park benches built by Waikato apprentices as part of NZCB's Apprentice Challenge competition to the Hamilton Cancer Society.
NZCB chief executive Grant Florence said most New Zealanders will have some experience of cancer — either personally or through a relative or friend. NZCB values the support the Cancer Society offers.
"Donating the park benches that were crafted in the Apprentice Challenge is a way to give something back and acknowledge our appreciation.
"All of the regional NZCB districts are proud to be active members of the community, not only through the many building jobs our members carry out for families and businesses, but also through the community events and charity initiatives we are involved with," says Grant.
The Apprentice Challenge, in association with ITM in April, had talented apprentices given a building plan, materials and eight hours to each construct a park bench. A total of 93 park benches were built at regional events, and NZCB has been donating all the finished products to Cancer Societies and other community groups.