Calendar Girls is packed full of good roles for women and cameo opportunities, making it a fun choice for community theatre group Hamilton Playbox.
The story is familiar, based on real-life Yorkshire Women’s Institute members who decide to make an ‘alternative’ WI calendar to raise money for leukaemia research. The calendar, a runaway success, features women doing traditional WI activities as a series of witty nudes.
We meet our main cast in the church hall as pianist and muso Cora (Janine Swainson) belts out the obligatory Jerusalem while the rest of the group wanders in. Lively Chris (Lucinda Heslin-Williams) leads a haphazard tai chi class before retiring to giggle on the bench with best friend Annie (Nicole Domett).
These two are the key anchors for the action. Retired teacher Jessie (Kerry Lucas-Candy) is witty and droll, while Celia (Courteney Wolstenholme) is bold and confident as the well-off wife trying to find her fit. Obliging, slightly put-upon Ruth (Cat Dwyer) is teased for her service to bossy branch chairwoman Marie (Liz Sheppard), and it is satisfying seeing Ruth come into her own later in the show.