The report finds that the survival for women with breast cancer in New Zealand has improved significantly as the five-year risk of dying from breast cancer has halved and the 10-year risk of dying of breast cancer is down by 30 per cent. This has especially been the case for women with more aggressive types of breast cancer.
There has also been a major reduction in the disparity of outcomes for ethnic minorities.
Campbell says the improvements are due to a number of reasons, including better treatments, more screening coverage and finding cancers early.
"Behind all of this, is breast cancer clinical trials and the introduction of more effective treatments and care...
"May marked International Clinical Trials Day and the Breast Cancer Research Trust acknowledges and celebrates that every advance made in treating breast cancer, worldwide and in the Waikato, has been the result of clinical trials research."
International clinical trials day is an opportunity for research organisations, clinical research professionals and the public to acknowledge the achievements that result from clinical research.
Campbell says that clinical trials are vital to helping individualise treatments to tumour type and to determine whether new treatments are safe and effective.
"The advancements [made] include better drug treatments, improvements in radiotherapy, breast-conserving surgery instead of mastectomy,... and reducing treatment side effects and improving quality of life."
Meanwhile, the trust is also thrilled to reveal a refreshed logo and brand.
"The colours include the BCRT existing bright yellow and incorporates pink, the colour associated with breast cancer. Our vision of gaining knowledge and saving lives is integral to the refreshed BCRT brand. Our circular logo represents and symbolises the circle of those helping our research team to achieve our vision."
The trust opened the doors to its Op Shop for Breast Cancer in Victoria Street on May 11. The aim is to achieve a steady revenue to enable future research as the ability to fundraise has been very limited since March 2020 due to Covid-19.