More art planned for Hauraki Rail Trail
Two art installations have been showcased in Thames.
Two art installations have been showcased in Thames.
'I don't think we really gave much thought to the bigger impact this pandemic would have'
DoC ranger says people have walked right past protection signs.
Mark Vette has been appointed patron for Canine Friends Pet Therapy
Families, skaters, BMX riders and parkour enthusiasts roll into the park opening.
Federated Farmers have chance to ask candidates questions.
Pekapekarau pupils give mathematics trial programme the big tick.
Professional darts chief says Hamilton venue is world-class with great crowds.
22 businesses named in line-up for annual Chamber of Commerce Awards.
Police are asking the public for help to find more people involved in the Hamilton heist.
New equipment was put through paces after the mock sinking of a charter boat
At least one car has collided with a power pole on Clyde St.
Three police cars were hit before the vehicle's occupants fled in it on SH1
Smoked Paprika from Hillcrest Highschool wins Smokefreerockquest national final.
facilities, equipment, sports grounds, and volunteers and is the hub of our community
Local MP Jamie Strange showed six of his colleagues around Waikato.
Staff at Michael Hill were seen counting stock today after it was raided at the weekend.
Work puts the region and New Zealand onto the international stage.
Martin Jones has retired after 13 years' service.
Multiple crashes across country killed several and left others fighting for their lives.
'We're very much in the middle of a tidal wave of crime sweeping the retail sector.'
Invivo founders nominated in international Wine Enthusiast Awards.
The council officially farewelled councillors Macpherson, Gallagher, Pascoe and Bunting.
The council will seek $5.24 million for projects including the land wars museum.
The theme of "Wood – our low-carbon future" will feature at the Fieldays Forestry Hub.
Meet Motte, a violinist who also plays other instruments, and who's about to tour NZ.
Small business owner says she can't pay employment disputes bills closing in on $100,000.
The belly of one of Tirau's most iconic buildings will soon be home to an SPCA op shop.
Te Awamutu College held this year's Year 10 Business Market Day this week.
The district council made an open call for locals to represent their towns on new signage.