3000km trip best bike holiday ever
Length of New Zealand bike tour a wonderful challenge.
Length of New Zealand bike tour a wonderful challenge.
A hundred kittens, 20 adult cats, eight rabbits, three dogs and six puppies need a home.
Councillors served rubbish morning tea to drive home message.
Sponsor offers 98 young netball fans a magical experience.
Carpentry skills put to the test in search of a national final spot.
New plant will cope with fast growth and higher environmental standards.
The group was armed with an axe and long sticks bearing a knife and circular blade.
High-risk areas, due to wastewater capacity constraints, have been identified.
The new plant will cope with Cambridge’s fast-growing population.
The zoo made the difficult decision to euthanise the tiger this morning.
After two hours, QOROX printed walls are at the same strength as a masonry block wall.
Several records were broken at the GPCNZ Waikato Powerlifting Regional Championships.
The local council reports people removed measures including large concrete barriers.
Empowering farmers to support a sustainable future.
The Waitomo tourist destination has a problem with koi carp.
Swarbrick Park playground is open for fun tomorrow at midday.
The mother scolded the boy with a hot spoon, frustrated at him for wetting his pants.
Moetū Kaitai was high when she fatally shot Kalvin Kana after a confrontation.
The Hillcrest High School rockers won the national band category in the annual contest.
Singer has new EP and national tour on the cards.
The Wayfinder project is a pilot for Pacific People’s workforce development in Waikato.
BallanceEx dinner for farmers — New Zealand's most essential workers.
The Kiingitanga celebrated the Turangawaewae regatta's 128th anniversary last weekend.
Feelings of devastation quickly became elation.
The starting 15 remain the same as throughout much of the competition.
Hamiltonian Jamie Batters scored a job at HMC Communications straight after graduating.
The Chiefs were forced to work for their 24-14 win in Sydney.
Jenni Vernon elected as first female president/board chair in organisation's history.
The appointments for four Te Kanohi reps on the council are on hold.
Three-quarters of those needing treatment were men, the study shows.