Eco-warrior laments BMX blitz
BMX riders undoing the progress of native plantings in Ōhaupō.
BMX riders undoing the progress of native plantings in Ōhaupō.
Primary sector education and career opportunities to be showcased at the Fieldays.
New clause helps police target street racing activities.
Horse breeder who murdered his wife in Matamata makes new claims at Parole Board hearing
Rotarians visit Riding for Disabled and pledge continued support.
The Waikato District Council and the Hamilton City Council have set a day for every dog.
Shane Edwards 'vanished' from his home on May 14, 2022, and has not been seen since.
Guy Richards managed to walk several metres before collapsing.
No one was injured in the small rural town.
A 'game-changer' that will more accurately support land use planning.
Slow down and stay safe as the dark wet weather months approach.
Joey Richards is accused of murdering his brother by plunging a knife into his heart.
The Regional Banking Hubs trial is expanding, and a new hub is opening in Whangamatā.
Company-X mourns the death of Emeritus Professor of Computer Science Ian Witten.
Coconut Yoghurt business gives old coconut cream drums new life.
The ninth Kirikiriroa Hamilton Zinefest will kick off on June 10.
St Paul’s happy with team’s week-to-week progress.
NZ's oldest man Jack Coe marked his 107th birthday last week and died a few days later.
Māori nursing programme run out of Wintec reaches significant milestone.
Jodie Nicoll has had automatic name suppression lifted so she can tell her story.
The Chiefs’ unbeaten run has been broken by the unlikeliest of opponent.
Allan Webb presented highest Rotary Award for his services to the film industry.
Be courteous and sensible when parking at sports fixtures.
The next cohort of rangatahi are schooling up their wai.
Justin Smyth will represent New Zealand as part of the quad team.
The plan comes after Ruapehu Alpine Lifts entered administration in October owing $45m.
Damian McKenzie and Anton Lienert-Brown starr in training campaign.
Enrich + artists create work for the mayor's office.
Emergency services are at the scene.