Anyone familiar with the movie, or Volume 1 of this compilation, will know what to expect here. It's all about feeling good.

Just as the opening sequence of the second Guardians movie will put a huge smile on your dial, so will songs like ELO's Mr Blue Sky, Sam Cooke's Bring It On Home To Me and Glen Campbell's Southern Nights.
Yes, there may be a slice or two of cheese involved - a certain David Hasselfhoff makes an appearance on the album and even the title of Looking Glass's Brandy (You're A Fine Girl) has a whiff of cheddar - but you can't deny the calibre of classics like Fleetwood Mac's The Chain or George Harrison's My Sweet Lord.
And where a soundtrack like this one has it over others is the way it's so cleverly integrated into the film, though in watching Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 you may hear more than you'd ever want to about the merits of Brandy (You're A Fine Girl).