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Giant Ruakura Superhub will swell Hamilton City Council’s coffers
Tainui Group Holdings sets the record straight on its commercial obligations.

Ruakura Superhub: Inland port first stage of global-scale project to open soon
Under the public radar logistics, industrial and housing development claims global scale.

Waikato planners set sights on fast passenger rail to Auckland
Tainui Group Holdings is among those planning for fast rail.

Ruakura Superhub ushers in another supply chain first
Latest tech CO2 refrigeration system one of the largest of its type in the world.

New Waikato-BoP supply chain study promotes action over words
New action plan claims to reflect freight industry consensus on priority needs.

Will Singapore's Olam get enough milk for its new plant?
Latest dairy manufacturing entrant will need to get out its cheque book.

Hot property: New Hamilton top-quality offices in demand as CBD takes off
New office projects to add another 14,000sqm within two years.

Concern Waikato Inc poorly prepared for climate change
Majority of business survey respondents have no strategy or plan.

New CEO for Waikato economic growth engine
Te Waka has taken time to get its house in order, says executive chairman.

Why $100m new Te Huia rail service may not last: report
Analysis claims the service costs more than taking a car and creates more carbon.

Pacific Aerospace to find its wings again after nosedive
Iconic planemaker starts afresh under NZSkydive ownership.

Spark tells irate mobile users to try the competition - it may pay off
Vodafone promises new cell sites from this month; Spark later next year.

Resolved: $1.2b Sleepyhead housing, manufacturing project set to go
All appeals against the big housing and manufacturing centre plan said to be satisfied.

Former National Cabinet minister John Luxton dies
The dairy industry loses a highly respected contributor.

Can the Waikato fulfil its economic growth potential?
Economist with strong NZ Inc connections among new recruits as new strategy unfolds.

Waikato mayor hopeful on Sleepyhead Estate talks progress
This month crucial for resolution talks between appeal parties and developer.

Waikato Inc sets business award records in a tough year
Pandemic restrictions prompt close self scrutiny of strategy and systems.

New Singapore dairy plant to take on former sector ally
Singapore's Olam poised to announce details of $100m-plus Waikato dairy investment.

'Nitpicking': $1.3 billion Sleepyhead housing development faces new hurdles
Sleepyhead Estate proposal biggest economic opportunity Waikato has ever had?

Why is a govt department appealing against a major proposal in a housing crisis?
Earthworks costing $12m are well under way as publicly funded appeals go in.

Appeals send $1b Sleepyhead plan to Environment Court
Four years in planning - and counting.

New chief sponsor for Waikato business awards
The annual business awards, celebrating Waikato Inc also get a new name.

Three years planning behind Sleepyhead's magic moment
Commissioners sharply rebuke two authorities who opposed Sleepyhead Estate.

Dairying consolidates debt, reduces risk: Reserve Bank verdict
Central bank stress tests dairy sector for debt fallout in a milk price downturn.

Hamilton hotel bought at discount by ASX-listed tourist retailer
Big discount on purchase price but not because of hotel industry's Covid hit.

Pacific Aerospace sold to Kiwi business couple
Buyers making no promises about future but see no reason company can't be rebuilt.

'Anti-business': Council opposes 1100-home Sleepyhead estate
Housing at Ohinewai would erode benefits of $100m expressway, says Waikato mayor.

Appeals dropped, $1b Hamilton housing and waterways project to start
Interest is already strong from land-starved Hamilton home builders.

Proposed sleepyhead development under scrutiny
Opponents were the "old guard" in the Waikato Regional Council.

Does Waikato have better odds for economic recovery?
If Waikato Inc is right about a W-shaped economic recovery, a steep drop is ahead.

New $50m offices for ACC to rise this year in Hamilton
TGH to develop $50m new home for ACC's big Hamilton staff team.

$1 billion plan: Housing development knocked back - but not knocked out
Hamilton's Perry Group to forge on with the $1 billion Te Awa Lakes plan.

Formal complaint against Transpower for outage
Serious power cut in Waikato and Coromandel Peninsula provokes official action.

Big Te Awa Lakes project faces long struggle with red tape
A $1b housing and lakes recreation development in Hamilton back to drawing board.

South Waikato Investment Fund Trust in the spotlight
The $20m community investment fund that got away from its creators.

Hamilton airport hotel revamp to cost up to $5 million
Hamilton airport hotel is getting a multi-million dollar new look.

CEO named for new Waikato economic growth push
New Waikato economic development agency appoints new leaders.

Wealthy Waikato has a neglected side: Shane Jones
Shane Jones urges Waikato Inc. to tend to communities in need of financial stimulus.

Boeing flying contest lures Kiwi inventors
The race to develop a personal aircraft is on and New Zealand inventors are lining up.