Mana Party leader Hone Harawira broke his media silence last night, saying he remains comfortable with the work he did with Kim Dotcom in a political alliance which came close to bringing Internet Party leader Laila Harre and other Internet-Mana candidates into Parliament.
After being tipped out of Parliament when Labour's Kelvin Davis beat him for the Te Tai Tokerau seat in Saturday's election, Mr Harawira has yet to officially concede and told media on Monday that he had "decided to spend the time up until Declaration Day [October 4] talking with the Mana whanau before making any formal statements.
"So please don't feel offended when I ignore your questions between now and then. I will be available after Declaration Day. Kapai?"
But last night he told Campbell Live he wasn't yet ready to say whether he had any regrets about tying his fortunes to Dotcom - a move that was widely regarded as having cost him his seat.
"That too I guess is something that I want to have a longer talk with Laila about and I'll save those comments until after that. I owe Laila that, I owe Kim that.