Live@The Speirs
Manawatū Concert Band
Speirs Centre, May 20
Reviewed by Sonya Holm
Rainy weather was no deterrent for the auditorium-filling audience that gathered for the Manawatū Concert Band’s first 2023 outing last Saturday night.
While the Manawatū Concert Band performed with focus and beauty, the atmosphere was relaxed. Photo / Sonya Holm
Live@The Speirs
Manawatū Concert Band
Speirs Centre, May 20
Reviewed by Sonya Holm
Rainy weather was no deterrent for the auditorium-filling audience that gathered for the Manawatū Concert Band’s first 2023 outing last Saturday night.
An impressive range of jazz, opera and heavy metal reverberated over 16 pieces.
The community band was established about 30 years ago, with band members ranging in age and all playing brass, woodwind or percussion but no strings.
There was rollicking and rolling with Welcome to the Jungle and highlights from Guardians of the Galaxy, moving to the haunting and sombre Red Rock Mountain.
Hoe-Down from the Rodeo ballet has a section usually played by violins, so it was a case of watching the fingers fly on the flutes and clarinets as they replaced the fast pace.
Some arrangements were compilations that seamlessly slid together, featuring excepts impossible not to hum along to such as It’s a Wonderful World and Ain’t No Mountain High Enough in tributes to Louis Armstrong and Whitney Houston.
While the music was performed with focus and beauty, the atmosphere was relaxed.
To the delight of the audience, compere Andrew Griffiths made many, often impromptu, quips and jokes including getting into a light-hearted “nerd fight” with trombonist and musical director Peter Ellery.
The night lived up to the expectations set by a favourite childhood memory of a Russell Street School orchestra trip.
That childhood trip instilled a sense of wonder at the power of live music that returned in full volume while watching the Palmerston North-based concert band.
A highlight was the retro throwback of Cartoon Carnival that included the Looney Tunes closing sequence, “That’s all folks”.
And it was only for a brief moment I wished they would play the theme from Star Wars.
The Manawatū Concert Band performs on July 30 at the Feilding Civic Centre, and on November 4 they are back at the Speirs Centre in Palmerston North.
Andy Stewart pushed on with his motorbike trek despite his growing pain.