Latest fromBreak the silence

Party promises for tackling youth suicide
The NZ Herald asked those contesting the election what they would do about youth suicide.

Suicide reduction target 'reasonable' - minister
Reducing our suicide rate by a fifth in 10 years is "reasonable", health minister says.

A decade on, widow still wakes screaming
Almost 10 years after he committed suicide, his widow still wakes screaming.

579 empty shoes make way to Parliament
Bereaved families start their vigil for loved ones lost to suicide.

Editorial: Teens need to know they are not alone
EDITORIAL: The Herald has asked a lot of its readers over the past six weeks.

The teen girls who wanted to die - Hailey and Milly's story of hope
Two teens tell of a life-saving bond that began at Starship hospital. Distressing content.

Thanks NZ for talking about suicide
Warning: This article is about suicide and may be distressing for some readers.

'When you're in trouble, who do you call?'
One solution to reduce New Zealand's high suicide rate = one national crisis text number.

Break the Silence: Plea for resources
More support needed for those with mild to moderate mental health issues, says expert.

'Mental health has become an election issue'
Mike King says there's "no doubt" mental health has become an election issue.

Opinion: How to protect kids from suicide
Warning: This article is about suicide and may be distressing for some readers.

Wristbands give hope to trouble teens
Warning: This article is about suicide and may be distressing for some readers.

New programme aims to build resilience in youth
Warning: This article is about youth suicide and may be distressing for some readers.

Five ways to reduce our suicide rate
We've got the worst teen suicide rate in the developed world - so what do we do to fix it?

Tackling suicide 'starts at preschool'
Warning: This article is about youth suicide and may be distressing for some readers.

Youth suicide: 'It's an absolute tragedy'
Health Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman: "Nothing worse" than losing a child to suicide.

'I'm so glad I survived'
Warning: This article is about suicide and may be distressing for some readers.

'Youth suicide is not inevitable'
Warning: This article is about youth suicide and may be distressing for some readers.

PM's wife and the million-dollar contract
Dr Mary English sits on the board of LeVa - the Government's "new preferred supplier."

Headmaster calls on boys to break stigma
Principal on suicide: "We grapple with it every day and every year." Distressing content.

Rainbow suicide rate five times higher
The LGBT+ community has high suicide rates - yet feels ignored. Distressing content.