50kg Rottweiler adopts abandoned kittens
A 50kg rottweiler named Bear has adopted three abandoned kittens and likes to lick them clean every time they finish a feed.
A 50kg rottweiler named Bear has adopted three abandoned kittens and likes to lick them clean every time they finish a feed.
Four low-income earners have been forced to hunt for a new home after two people died in their Papamoa house and their landlords suddenly told them to move out.
With cheers and hoots from his school mates Scott Lockhart powered over the finish line of his 1500m race.
The Mount Maunganui College student, who has autism, has set himself a goal to take out the 1500m race at his college's athletics championships at Tauranga Domain today.
Tiki Taane and 17-year-old Tamia Hikuroa will sing together at the NZ International Tattoo and Art Expo this weekend. This is Tamia's video submission.
Thieves have been targeting bicycles, including those locked, at Mount Maunganui. We caught up with Corey Graeme Fluerty who was able to reunite with his stolen bike after a Facebook appeal.
Quick action by firefighters prevented a large scrub fire behind Hungahungatoroa Marae in Matapihi from spreading towards the marae. The fire was about 120m long by about 50m wide at its worst. We were there to capture the firefighters in action.
A car blocked traffic for a brief moment on State Highway 36 between Tauranga and Rotorua this morning after it crashed into a bridge, near Williams Rd.
A Mount woman has set up a petition calling for an ocean pool to be placed at the base of Mauao or on Leisure Island.
Merivale School principal Jan Tinetti has been named Labour Party's new candidate for Tauranga and will take on current MP Simon Bridges for his seat ahead of this year's general election. We caught up with her to find out what she is going to offer voters.
Mount Maunganui teacher and health campaigner Leisa Renwick, who fought for changes to funding for melanoma treatment, was formally honoured in a presentation today where she was named New Zealand Herald's New Zealander of the Year.
A traditional Buddhist sand mandala is being constructed by two Tibetan-born monks in Tauranga Art Gallery. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
A traditional Buddhist sand mandala is being constructed by two Tibetan-born monks in Tauranga Art Gallery. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Mark Sandoval's visual love letter to the Mount has been completed as a 5-minute snap shot of the place he calls home.
These days, if businesses don't have a digital strategy, then they simply don't have a strategy, Callaghan Innovation chief technical officer Dr Chris Hartshorn says. We caught up with him after a presentation to the Tauranga business community.
As a Tauranga art festival looms, the mystery surrounding the Banksy-like stencil art found in the CBD deepens. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
A man was airlifted from Omanawa Falls with moderate injuries after jumping from the top of the waterfall.
A nationwide initiative encouraging employment for young people with intellectual disability has seen its first employees in Tauranga.
A Whakatane father and his two sons are currently competing in the New Zealand Superbike Championships. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
The Treaty of Waitangi is New Zealand’s founding document. 177 years after it was first signed, few New Zealanders have any idea what it is or what it means. Joining Tristram Clayton is NZME Māori affairs expert Moehau Hodges-Tai to help shed some light on this founding treaty.
The driver who ran over and killed Tauranga woman Leigh Rhodes and her friend Kenny McRae, and seriously injured Rhodes' partner had methadone in her system, Tauranga Court heard yesterday. We spoke to the families of the victims after court.
Horse Razzy was saved by firefighters after it became trapped trying to escape its horse float.
More than five thousand people migrated to the Bay of Plenty last year - up 6.7 per cent from 2015, but a new study says that is not a bad thing.
A sneak peek of rookie filmmaker and local Mark Sandoval's short film dedicated to Mount Maunganui.
A bronze whaler filmed in breakers at Papamoa beach this weekend
Drone footage by Surf Life Saving New Zealand of the event held in Mount Maunganui over Anniversary Weekend.
A fleet of Minis and a few famous faces made their way to Maketu this weekend, where the promo tour of the new Goodbye Pork Pie held a pie eating contest.
The two oystercatcher chicks who have made Mount Main Beach home, continue to grow well and are expected to spread their wings in a few short weeks.