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Prime Minister visits Paengaroa school
John Key took over Paengaroa School's school assembly yesterday - to the delight of the 226 children in attendance.

Simon Bridges talks about cycleway funding
Tauranga is set to reap from a $14.6 million investment in cycleways, following an announcement from Transport Minister and Tauranga MP Simon Bridges

Local chef to cook for fundraising dinner
Chef Yuba Bhandar will prepare dinner for a fundraising event for the Nepal quake relief

Competition is tough at NZ Gourmet BBQ Champs
The "B Team" get some practice in before the NZ Gourmet BBQ Champs to be held at MT Maunganui this Saturday.

Tauranga's cystic fibrosis sisters
Nikki and Kristie are two sisters were not expected to live past 18, but now at 24 and 31 the pair are using their story to help raise money and awareness to help others suffering from cystic fibrosis.

Dog survives after being thrown from bridge
Tauranga SPCA highlight a shocking case of animal cruelty in which a dog was thrown off a highway bridge into a river.

Speakeasy Slient Cinema
Night Owl cinema and Baycourt Theatre are taking people back to a forgotten film era of silent movies.

Blue penguin released at Mount Maunganui
Mobil One, the blue penguin, was released early on June 17 after weeks of rehabilitation at Oropi Native Bird Sanctuary after being caught in the April 28 oil spill. Video: Bay of Plenty Times

Bay of Plenty Polytech puppies
Bay of Plenty Polytech brought puppies to students to help reduce students.

Tauranga Boys' College carvings
Carving instructor Peter Smith, former student Maia Ririnui and Year 12 student Quin Matenga explain the importance of carvings created and left for students at Tauranga Boys' College.

Tauranga couple live with 90 cats
Tauranga couple Gill and Mike Godfrey have been breeding ragdoll cats for the past 10 years. They now have 90 cats living with them in their Te Puna home.

Hairy Maclary becoming reality
The first sod at the site for Tauranga's Hairy Maclary attraction has been turned, as works make way for sculptures of the mischievous dog and friends.

Pole performers take titles
Two Bay women have won their categories at the New Zealand National Amateur Pole Performer competition. Kirsty Carter took away the performer (or beginner) level award while Jenny Benfell won the intermediate level award at the competition in Christchurch.

Little blue penguin's road to recovery
We catch up with one of the victims of the recent Mobil oil spill in Tauranga Harbour - a little blue penguin named Mobil One

Tauranga Model Railway Club
Tauranga model railway enthusiasts are close to finding a home after nearly 30 years being shunted around different locations in the city.

Docos give insight into migrants' lives
Tauranga documentary maker Joanne Rye-McGregor has produced a series of documentaries about new settlers in Tauranga, including Jamaican-born Javon Bark.

Bethlehem College student wins viola scholarship
Hector Fitzsimons, a Bethlehem College student, has won himself a viola scholarship

Fire fighters run NZ to raise money for Blood Cancer NZ
Eight fire fighters stopped off in Te Puke as they continue to run from Bluff to Auckland to raise funds and awareness for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand

Raw: Aerial view of tornado-torn Tauranga
Footage taken from a helicopter flying over the tornado-torn parts of Mt Maunganui, Bay of Plenty.

Mako shark dissection: GRAPHIC CONTENT
29 Western Bay college students got the rare chance to watch a 33 kg Mako shark being dissected at the Waikato University's Coastal Marine Field Station at Sulphur Point yesterday. The opportunity was offered to the students by the University's House of Science director Chris Duggan.

Mt Maunganui Intermediate principal 'heartbroken' - VID
Mt Maunganui Intermediate principal Lisa Morresey talks about the damage caused to the school after a mini tornado passed through the area.

Clean-up begins after Tauranga tornado
A mini tornado extensively damaged homes, business and a sports stadium in Mt Maunganui about 8.45pm yesterday. Bay of Plenty Fire Service Area Commander Murray Binning said daylight should reveal the extent of the damage from the twister. Eight houses were left uninhabitable, but residents escaped injury.

Vietnam Vets' say goodbye to Iroquois helicopters
Two RNZAF Iroquois helicopters fly veterans around the Bay of Plenty as part of a farewell tour by the helicopters before they are retired.

Tornado rips through Mount Maunganui
Tornadoes smashed through Mt Maunganui last night, damaging homes, ripping roofs from buildings and sending trampolines and outdoor furniture flying. ASB Baypark Stadium also lost parts of its grandstand roof. Firefighters responded to numerous calls about roofs being ripped of houses around Lodge Ave and Links Ave. Mount Maunganui Intermediate is closed after announcing that it had suffered "considerable damage".

New Zealand's Iroquois helicopters on show at Tauranga Airport
The Royal New Zealand Air Force brought the Iroquois helicopters to the airport for show.

Iroquois land in Tauranga
The last of New Zealand's Iroquois helicopters on show at Tauranga Airport.