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Armed Offenders Squad respond to incident in Lower Kaimai
Emergency services are responding to an incident in the Lower Kaimai area. At least eight police units, two fire units and the Armed Offenders Squad are at the scene, near the intersection of SH29 and Old Kaimai Rd.

Rally for Moko on Tauranga waterfront
More than 150 people gathered in the freezing ran on Tauranga waterfront for a Rally for Moko, to take a stand against New Zealand's horrific child abuse.

Grim Tales
The launch of Grim Tales, a collaboration of the Tauranga Women's Refuge and The Incubator.

Studying blues get a puppy fix
Studying students were in for a furry treat when the Waiariki Bay of Plenty Polytechnic and Tauranga SPCA collaborated to bring puppies to the library.

Born and bred in Tauranga: Ross Boreham
Born and bred Tauranga resident Ross Boreham has been kept in Mount Maunganui for 44 years by family and the beach. The only way he would ever leave? "In a casket."

Born and bred in Tauranga: Noel Peterson
Born-and-bred Tauranga resident Noel Peterson "hasn't gone far in life", living in the house next door to the one he grew up in.

Born and bred in Tauranga: Marilyn Searancke
Born-and-bred Tauranga resident Marilyn Searancke talks about her history in the city and the changes she's seen over the decades.

Family living in car no more
Priscilla and her 4-year-old daughter Chardonnay (who likes to be called Barbie Princess) lived in their car with Priscilla's partner for six weeks. Now, they have a home to call their own.

Baywide club rugby highlights: Round 2 Week 2
Club rugby highlights from around the Bay set to a groovy soundtrack.

John Key pops in on Tauranga
Prime Minister John Key dropped in on Tauranga, visiting Mount Intermediate, Beca and Trustpower. Here, at a media stand-up in Mount Intermediate library our reporter grills him about the issue of homelessness in Tauranga.

Watch: Sushi the cat returns after 8 years
Sushi has been gone for eight years, returning home once only briefly. Fletcher Osbourne, who wrote a song for Sushi and was a finalist in NZ's Got Talent because of it, had not seen hide nor hair of Sushi for the past six years but she's back home and as loving as ever.

Legs out for Shorts 4 Waipuna campaign
Staff at the ANZ building show their support for Waipuna Hospice by wearing their shorts on the shortest day of the year to raise money for the hospice. Bonus: shorts, shorts, shorts... undies (at 38 seconds).

Tauranga woman to represent in Miss Universe
Tauranga woman Larissa Allen has her eyes set on winning Miss Universe New Zealand.

Tauranga's homeless: The people trying to help
Silver Birch Holiday Park managers Tony and Sharon Makai are inundated with people needing a roof over their head and have opened their campground up to people struggling to find a home.

Mum of three lives in tiny campgound cabin
Tarihira Morgan takes us on a tour of the tiny campground cabin she and her three children share. The rental situation in Tauranga has become so bad, she is one of several families calling the Silver Birch Holiday Park home.

Tour of Tauranga mum's campground home
Amanda Brown takes us on a tour of the cabin she and her two children share. The rental situation in Tauranga has become so bad, she is one of several families calling the Silver Birch Holiday Park home.

Human-like robots will blow your mind
Two humanoid robots visited the House of Science in Tauranga to show scientists, students and the public just how advanced robotics has become. This little guy can dance, play soccer, talk, snap his fingers and more.

Tauranga's LGBT march attracts hundreds
Hundreds of people crowded on Tauranga waterfront to show solidarity for the victims in the nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida.

Car destroyed after mystery fire
A mysterious fire destroyed a car in Otumoetai. It appears to have begun in the back, creating flames which rose 6-7 feet high, according to a neighbour.

Bay mothers share breast milk by Facebook
Social media is helping a community of mothers receive breast milk for their babies from other mothers who donate their own expressed milk.

Knitting up a storm in Bayfair challenge
Rope, balls and a new seating arrangement have popped up at Bayfair mall thanks to the latest challenge taken on by the Ninja Knits.

The mission to help a little girl hear
Born profoundly deaf Jurnee, 9, has faced a life of difficulties in trying to keep up with those around her. Now a mission is on to help her get a cochlear implant so she can hear.

Numbers of homeless in Tauranga unacceptable, says health boss
Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation chief executive Roger Taylor discusses the homeless issue in Tauranga, highlighting women and children are often go unidentified and vulnerable.

Six weeks living in a car
Priscilla Pukeroa, 25, her partner Anthony Daniels, 52, and their daughter Chardonnay spent six weeks sleeping in their car in Tauranga parks as they hunted for a rental. They are now living in a motel as they continue to search for a permanent home.

Rent-free building for Tauranga homeless announced
Te Tuinga Whanau Support Services director Tommy Wilson announced the Tauranga Moana Maori Trust had offered the agency one of its buildings in central city to launch its Whare for Whanau project - which would accommodate struggling families.

Health fears sink office tour
Health and safety rules have thwarted a bid to convince skeptical ratepayers that the council’s civic offices were not fit for human habitation.

LGBTQ march in Tauranga to honour Orlando victims
It may be half a world away but members of Tauranga's LGBTQ community are doing what they can to show support for those killed and injured in the mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando.