Businesses, workers navigate job uncertainty
"We will likely hear of further job losses as the uncertainty drags on."
"We will likely hear of further job losses as the uncertainty drags on."
Murupara, Waimana, Rūātoki, Waikaremoana and Ruatāhuna will see one day clinics soon.
Bay Trust are preparing to help those who are struggling.
However, there are 17 new cases across New Zealand.
There are 41 confirmed and probable cases in the Bay of Plenty DHB and 16 in Lakes.
More rain is expected throughout the Bay of Plenty for at least the rest of the week.
The national case tally went up today but the Lakes and Bay of Plenty tallies didn't.
Community groups have been praised for their dedication during the Covid 19 lockdown.
Needing inspiration for your long weekend? Look no further.
Google Maps has compared location data from the lockdown to values earlier in the year.
The clocks go back giving an hour extra sleep tonight.
A regional breakdown of the new Covid-19 cases in the Bay.
From Mōtītī Island to Ohakana in Whakatāne, how has life changed?
One was transported to hospital by helicopter, the other by ambulance.
White Island explosion survivor Jake Milbank has been discharged from hospital.
Daily update on Covid-19 cases in the Bay of Plenty and Lakes.
"They are doing everything they can..."
Planning for the region's Covid-19 response began back in early January.
The number of cases in the Bay of Plenty DHB has risen from six to 10 in 24 hours.
Bay of Plenty health professionals have been impressed with the community spirit.
People with Covid-19 symptoms could drive directly to the centre to be assessed.
Chairman Doug Leeder said the general rates decision to gives "certainty" to ratepayers.
The aim was to reduce the number of people physically entering general practices.
Local government agencies are quickly adapting to the new measures announced today.
"In the end, we were left with no choice."
Crews from Edgecumbe, Rotorua and Kawerau attended.
Outsiders are barred from Te Whānau-ā-Apanui territory from midnight March 25 onwards.
Council-operated services in Whakatāne are closing.
A helicopter is on its way after a water incident at Lake Rotoma