Council cans ratepayer leader's speech invitation after critical survey
'I just don’t know what the hell’s going on.'
'I just don’t know what the hell’s going on.'
The city needs that money to fund proposed projects over 10 years.
The warmest temperature on record for a January in Tauranga was in 1983: 33.7C.
'Understanding and respecting the power of New Zealand’s waters is crucial.'
"Take care of them ... they save so many people every year."
'It was like trying to find a needle in the haystack ... I thought I had lost it forever.'
Stephen Crossan tops scores with 53 and Iman Nahal take three wickets for 14 runs.
Plus, 'tonnes of shark sightings' in busy day for Bay of Plenty and Coromandel lifeguards.
Broadcaster describes dramatic scenes to followers as shark cruises shallows.
Brendon Johnston says he now wakes up every day feeling 'excited'.
Omanu resident has been pushing for a community garden since 2021.
The Tauranga pair made history in Melbourne.
'You can’t just shovel gravel in there and leave it.'
Te Puke chase down the Mount's total with overs to spare.
The rugby league all-time great didn't hold back in his typical, gritty fashion.
'One board went to five, five went to 10, and so on – end of story.'
The Hits Christmas in the Park is in partnership with Pacific Toyota.
Tauranga businesses want the council to make it easier for them to use the footpath.
The road has been closed and the Serious Crash Unit has been advised.
Bars will now have to stop admitting people earlier.
'The concussion is the worst part. It feels like a drill bit running through my forehead.'
"School kids have the right to be safe going to and from school," Gia Nelson said.
Two trucks responded about 11.12am.
Jean Ann Salter, 78, was found deceased yesterday.
The woman, 78, was found deceased at the address.
He argued school attendance rates are a bigger crisis than Covid.
The park's size has increased with added features.
OPINION: I don’t think the Mount is going to face a shortage of visitors.
Police are urging people to keep themselves and their property safe.
Both lanes are now open.