Latest fromBOPT Opinion

What would have happened if Capitol Hill rioters weren't white?
OPINION: Capitol riot highlights the ongoing issues of racism and inequality in the US.

Rob Rattenbury: NZ ripe and ready for UK trade deal
Opinion: There has been talk about the formation of a fourth international trading bloc.

New Year's resolutions are the absolute worst
Opinion: Every year I suffer from the New Year's resolution hangover.

Carmen Hall: Addressing safety fears in downtown
Opinion: Bus drivers should not have to ward off assaults and attempted robberies.

Samantha Motion: What's behind the rise in shoplifting?
Prosecution rates are at a five year high in Tauranga and Rotorua.

Samantha Motion: There's one 2020 lesson we shouldn't forget
As many people head back to work, let's remember what we learned the hard way last year.

Letters: Shaming shoplifters is the right tactic
Opinion: Readers discuss shoplifters, the Waikeria riots and look back at the old days.

Hidden gems the secret to boosting local tourism
Opinion: Think you've seen everything a city has to offer? Think again.

Stephanie Worsop: Don't be an idiot like me, put on sunscreen
Opinion: Make sure every day you spend in the sun, the decision you make is the smart one.

Carmen Hall: Food hygiene and the waste-not want-not ethos
About 200,000 people across the country get food poisoning struck every year.

ACC funding decision puts mountain bikers in danger
Why would ACC stop funding a first response unit that has rescued nearly 1000 riders?

Zoe Hunter: My New Year's resolution is to donate more to charity
COMMENT: Zoe Hunter says a little can often go a long way

Letters to the editor: Police chase solution 'overlooked'
Readers share their views on issues making the headlines.

Kiri Gillespie: Drink-driving? Then you deserve to get caught
Such trauma is entirely preventable. All it takes a taxi.

Truth is, I'm a total Anglophile
COMMENT: Despite what readers might glean from my columns, I love everything British

Zizi Sparks: We can't fix child poverty with band-aids
OPINION: Addressing youth homelessness and poverty requires a collaborative approach.

Zoe Hunter: Why this year will go down in history
This year has been etched in memory for many reasons, many of them good despite Covid-19.

Jo Raphael: The age-old conflict between landlords and tenants
OPINION: Who is the villain - the landlord or the tenant?

Rob Rattenbury: Let's put 2020 behind us
It has been a challenging year for many so it is nice to think about happy events.

Dawn Picken: The wisdom of the Stoics - give yourself a break this Christmas
Opinion: Realising what we could lose can help us appreciate what we have.

Stephanie Worsop: Are the gaps in our knowledge getting worse?
Opinion: Everybody has gaps in their knowledge, what's yours?

Samantha Motion: A holly, jolly, news parody of the best Christmas song ever
OPINION: Is it even Christmas without the drunk tank or the boys of the NYPD choir?

Letters to the editor: Capital Gains Tax bad for the economy
Readers have their say.

Stephanie Worsop: Home ownership available to some, not all
Opinion: A rent to buy scheme could help fix the inequality in the housing market.

Kiri Gillespie: Wharf St upgrade just what city needs right now
Opinion: Could the dining precinct come to rival Rotorua's popular Eat Streat?

Letters to the editor: No reason for the proposed 6.5% rates rise
LETTERS: Our readers have their say

Kelly Makiha: Don't take stuff that isn't yours
Taking things you're not entitled to should result in a deterring level of punishment.