Credit cards are dangerous things
Credit cards are dangerous things. In today's paper, Tauranga's budget advisory service tells of one family who sought help after
Credit cards are dangerous things. In today's paper, Tauranga's budget advisory service tells of one family who sought help after
We all know that traditional media are not New Zealand First's biggest support base. In fact, most of the time we come up with a great
It's been ages since I thought about my grandmother's underpants. I never pondered their deep significance at the time, but thanks
COMMENT: Personal battles are waste of energy when tackling climate change requires us all.
The gap between rich and poor is widening again, and more rapidly, and - in the absence of governments willing to do much about it - it will go on getting worse, writes Bryan Gould.
Kiwis may often wonder why in a land of milk and honey and sheep, it is cheaper to buy cheese and lamb and Manuka honey on the other
What's love got to do with it? Some would say everything, especially tomorrow on Valentine's Day. Others, especially some blokes
Nutrition is one of the building blocks to good health - and better mountain biking. Rotorua's Cati Pearson knows that better than
EDITORIALBy Peter White New Zealand's outstanding sporting achievements at last year's Rio Olympics and Paralympics were rewarded
It may not have been a total victory for medicinal cannabis campaigners, but the announcement that people seeking medical cannabis
COMMENT: If risible views heard on plane above Godzone are pakeha norm then help us all.
I find it hard to believe more than 1800 Western Bay motorists are caught not wearing seatbelts each year. It is such a simple safety
A few months ago our late regional councillor and iwi leader, Awanuiarangi Black told this newspaper that the majority of us know
Not all progress is good. Think of the mobile phone, through which many people live their entire lives, not believing they exist
COMMENT: The US has the best raptors for falconry - eagles, falcons, hawks. I go often. The thought of not going breaks my heart. Yet, here we are.
The Radio New Zealand Building on The Terrace, Wellington. Photo/FileA_050516NZHMMRADIONZ2.JPG I had the privilege of serving for
Urban designer Mark Wassung's vision for Tauranga's transport network is ambitious - and possibly just what is needed to counteract
A few months ago I wrote of my battle with an aggressive stage 4 cancer and my ongoing treatment with chemotherapy. I feel that "battle"
City growth brings traffic chaos John Cousins' story "Clogged Up" (Benefits of $225m Tauranga roading project lost after 8 years)
KEEP MOVING: There's more to the value of playing sport than getting fit and healthy. PHOTO/FILE A_lvn090916twsoccer4.JPG A new survey
The hostage crisis continues. Melania's slanty eyes mutely beg for deliverance, but despite so many thousands of women marching on
Congratulations are due to some of our young local sports people, with Mount Maunganui's Jonas Tawharu taking the Under-18 Boys' Division
COMMENT: Not even a week into Trump's presidency, it's crystal clear that US citizens are now dealing with a fascist regime, writes Rachel Stewart.
LOVE TRUMPS HATE: Demonstrators march in support of the Women's March in Washington in Phoenix. PHOTO/AP AP170122105900.JPG When
There's no doubt about it. Tauranga's roads are certainly getting more and more congested. Given the city's recent population growth
MAKE ROOM: Holding tightly to stuff means stuff owns us. PHOTO/DAWN PICKEN 190117sp50bop I was going to write, for publication on
A leading obesity campaigner is suggesting that paying children to eat their greens could halt the obesity crisis. While I'm all
Your definition of obscenity may be what Donald Trump is accused of getting up to in a hotel in Russia. Mine is about the money
COMMENT: To block someone is not censorship. It's just that I don't want to hear you, or more to the point, for you to hear me, writes Rachel Stewart.
So-called "casual racism" hit the headlines recently, following the publicity attending the Mad Butcher's reported remarks to fellow