Time to lure floating voters running out
With polling day looming, rival parties have presumably finished setting out stalls.
With polling day looming, rival parties have presumably finished setting out stalls.
Tommy Wilson bids adieu to a mighty Te Puna totara.
Maori Language Week helps New Zealanders celebrate their unique identity.
In the end, the story was no longer just about a popular sofa.
Organised residents will no doubt appreciate Christmas decorations being on sale now.
Readers share their views on tie wearers, Labour's rise and Paula Bennett's gangs remark.
There has been plenty of rainfall in Tauranga but let's hope it dries up soon.
Readers share their views on burglary, minority control and fake politicians.
Victims of natural disasters deserve better than to be blamed for the tragedy.
The economy will be a main issue in New Zealand's 2017 election campaign.
Utu runs red in the blood of ousted politicians.
Polls failed to predict either Brexit or President Donald Trump. What's going wrong?
There is the equivalent of 28 bath tubs of water per second flowing over the weir
There are a lot of aspects of working on events that resonate and reward.
Inside my head simmers a cauldron of prejudices and assumptions.
When I think of voting I think first of health care and what it should provide.
Homelessness seems to be getting worse in Tauranga.
We may have plenty of water in the Bay of Plenty, but much of it is undrinkable.
Mike Delany at age 35 has made a great start on his return to playing for Bay of Plenty.
With the new fishing season approaching there is a new positivity rising among anglers.
The Mountain Club's rider development programme is kicking off in October.
Rosemary McLeod would happily start with the toppling of recent statues.
COMMENT: Labour leader's magnetism has not been seen since Clark and Lange.
A failure to act now could only mean that house prices will continue to rise.
For Maori, there's a lot at stake in this election.
Trains are a fun and exciting way to explore a country.
I started imagining this column while meditating. Which tells you how good I am at it.