Western Bay flicks switch on eco-friendly street lights
1500 lights will be converted to LED.
1500 lights will be converted to LED.
Two with minor injuries and one with serious injuries after 8.05pm crash.
A final decision will be made by council on October 29.
'I don't really want to but you do what you have to do.'
Older landlords are exiting the industry but have created opportunities for new investors.
Coastguard Boating Education courses are available online.
The Provincial Growth Fund is helping Whakatāne locals find work.
Triathlete Hayden Wilde has proven his running prowess.
"I thought I'd get over it but I haven't been able to," the longtime business owner says.
Coroner's ruling over Omanawa Falls death.
The individual stories have come together to form the waka.
This year's Westpac Business Awards take place on November 13.
'We the ratepayers are going to be paying the bill so why shouldn't we know?'
Comment: More than just counselling needed to help young people.
The figure excludes those who work, go to school or visit the areas.
'I'm just absolutely gobsmacked at how little rights you have as a ratepayer.'
Comment: I don't workout to lose weight, I workout so my body is capable of great things.
'If the Māori perspective is to be expressed, I believe it has to come from Māori'.
The earthquake struck about 120km offshore from Whangamatā.
Students need help in aftermath of lockdown, say principals.
The port has been 'critical to the local economy' during Covid-19.
The regional council's informetrics report GDP was down by 1.6 per cent.
"If nimbyism is the problem you are never going to achieve anything."
'There is an overriding issue of control and dignity," says former deputy PM.
The cranes travelled 12,000 nautical miles via the Panama Canal to arrive Friday morning.
Hope can be a powerful feeling and we need it right now.
Don Morris has had a tonne of hard days, but that makes the good days even sweeter.
Nigel Hampton QC: 'Bureaucracy knows time is a killer of perceived need'.
Man to appear in the Tauranga District Court tomorrow after Pāpāmoa Beach arrest.