No 2 Rd Hall was the first public structure to be built in Te Puke in 1882.
The kauri came from Mercury Bay and was shipped up the Kaituna River to the building site.
The builder was Mr T R Gillman, with the help of many volunteers. The hall hosted many events and saw time as a church and a school.
Unfortunately it did fall into disrepair, but after much effort from the No 2 Hall Rejuvenation Group, led by Jim Prendergast, a restoration plan was hatched in 2006 and the building has found a new lease on life.
- This photograph has been supplied by Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s Community Archives team. Information accompanying the photograph is, to the best of the team’s knowledge, accurate. However, it may well be that there are inadvertent omissions or errors and anyone who might be in possession of more information is welcome to send details to