There will be an opportunity to hear about the New Zealand dotterel at the Te Puke branch of Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society’s AGM on Monday.
The meeting will also feature a report on the work done over the past 12 months before guest speaker Stuart Attwood gives a talk on NZ dotterel (tuturiwhatu pukunui) and the need to protect nesting sites along the coast.
The branch has been gifted a framed painting of the hoiho (recently named New Zealand’s Bird of the Year), which will be the prize for the evening’s raffle.
Branch members recently visited the Pūkorokoro Miranda Shorebird Centre, where they were treated to the sights of hundreds of seabirds resting in the ponds along the seashore dunes. The centre has displays of shorebirds and an excellent variety of books, cards, toys, travel gear and clothing for sale.
A new committee will be appointed at Monday’s meeting, which will welcome ideas for branch outings for the coming year.