Wheelchair rugby is experiencing a purple patch in the Bay of Plenty, with dedicated players and administrators pushing to have the region added as another stop on the national tour.
BOPWR chairman Robert Wilson, who organised a tournament at ASB Arena on Saturday featuring teams from Auckland, Waikato as well as a composite selection, said the sport was experiencing a surge in interest in the Bay.
"We don't have any Wheel Blacks at the moment but I reckon we can get some ... it's about getting them up to that level and understanding what's expected. It's not just about playing for New Zealand - it's a whole lifestyle change," Wilson said.
The Bay teams, which contested a 22-16 thriller to start the day, were using the hit-out as a gauge for how they would go on the national tour.
While the sport is called wheelchair rugby, it is really more of a mash up of a variety of sports, with aspects of basketball, American Football, ice hockey and rugby incorporated.