Orange blossoms in annual Parade

More than 500 road patrollers from around the Western Bay of Plenty paraded through Tauranga CBD in the annual Orange Day Parade last week. The parade was not only a thank-you for this year’s road patrollers but was also designed to raise awareness of road safety around schools. The Orange Day Parade celebrates the important contribution students have made to road safety within their school communities throughout the year. Photographer John Borren went along to capture the colour of the event.

Protest on Hewletts Road

Protest on Hewletts Road

More than 2500 people have marched on State Highway 2 and Hewlett’s Road after gathering at Whareroa Reserve this morning to join a national day of disruption launched by Te Pāti Māori to coincide with Budget day.

Brazil floods

Brazil floods

South Brazil is experiencing severe flooding. Rio Grande do Sul State disaster. Photo / Jeff Botega, @jeffbotega.

David Seymour goes into the blue at Mount Maunganui

David Seymour goes into the blue at Mount Maunganui

Act party leader David Seymour was taking off just as the party was dropping in the polls. Seymour took to the skies in a classic Boeing Stearman bi-plane ahead of a public meeting at the Classic Flyers Aviation Museum in Mount Maunganui on Wednesday night. At the same time, the latest 1News Verian poll suggested Act was down two percentage points.

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