"Interesting to research the origins of ties. They were worn by nomadic tribes to intimidate and bully their enemies. It seems to me they are worn now for the same purpose and of course to mop up dribble."
Gary Horan
"There is little doubt that Labour is a true threat brought about by two factors.
"A change in the dynamic of the leadership from grey to a rainbow montage and secondly, a barrage of popularism policies that makes Winston Peters look like a Wolf Cub Tenderfoot.
"These policies and promises will appeal to those who feel they are underprivileged, or those who think society should look after them.
"Anyone can understand how these will lift the ratings, but it would appear the honeymoon is over. The lipstick is wearing off.
"It seems to me that Labour, after almost nine years as an indolent opposition, has found a cupboard of policy titles but not the way to bring them to fruition.
"Every day we hear of a "new" policy but alas no detail or substance on which to make a decision. I do not intend to buy a service and then receive an invoice for payment without having at least an estimate prior to.
"And that is what the nation is being asked to do.
"Do Grant Robinson and Jacinda Ardern do their business in this manner? If they do then it gives God Defend New Zealand a totally different meaning."
A.D Kirby
Human rights
"I can't understand why there is such a fuss being made about Paula Bennett's remark that serious criminals have fewer human rights than others.
"If a serious criminal goes to jail he instantly loses his right to freedom for one thing. Surely rights are not automatic, they come with responsibility. That's why prisoners should not be allowed to vote either.
"Why should those who care nothing for the laws of the land have a say in who governs it?"
Kathleen Howan