Later analysis of that data came to a similar conclusion. Ironically, the lowest tooth decay rate reported occurred in a non-fluoridated area.
The 2009 New Zealand oral health survey found that over the previous six years the prevalence of dental decay rates declined in non-fluoridated areas when over the same period the prevalence of dental decay rates increased in fluoridated areas.
Advocacy of fluoridation as a vote for sense over alleged paranoia is certainly not based on current science and is contrary to the best comparative data.
Regarding credible science based evidence of any harmful bodily effects from fluoride in tap water, Garth George should persuade the Rotorua public library to buy Connett et al. The Case Against Fluoride and then read it.
Ross Forbes, Kerikeri
Fluoride damage
"Fluoride addition an essential step" writes Garth George, in the BOP Times of March 17.
Garth, I enjoy your writing but you have a duty to make yourself informed if you are to retain your readership. Forget all the fluoride propaganda.
It is now a simple subject. For example, the NZ Health Department will confirm, "The dental health of unfluoridated Christchurch is equal to the dental health of any fluoridated city in New Zealand."
Also, they will confirm that fluoridated Whakatane has poorer dental health than unfluoridated Tauranga. Farmers will confirm that their families have good dental health also. So Garth, it is all about personal dental hygiene.
The kill shot is the news that the US Health Department has just lowered its recommended fluoride levels because of the prevalence of dental damage, by fluoride. See, it is simple. Fluoride will not save your teeth but cleaning will. Also, too much fluoride will damage them.
Ken Evans, Tauranga
Treaty troubles
It is with disbelief that I read that $33 million, schools and other property are to be gifted to a Maori tribe under the Treaty of Waitangi.
In 1975 the Treaty of Waitangi Act and Amendments passed the greatest injustice ever created by any Government on its people as it allowed one group of New Zealand citizens the privilege of a taxpayer-funded apartheid tribunal to claim against their fellow New Zealanders using principles dreamt up by ministers using fake information and an altered Treaty which takes out "all New Zealand citizens" and inserts "Maori". After the signing of the original Treaty, Governor Hobson shook each chief by the hand and said: "He iwi tahi tatou - we are now one people".
Maori had asked for protection against fellow tribes. Maori knew of the British Government and in 1820 Ngapuhi chief Hongi made a trip to meet the King (William). On his return he stopped in Australia and traded the gifts the King had given him for 300 musket and then initiated a 10-year period of war and cannibalism on his fellow countrymen. Fearful for their lives Maori and settlers appealed to the Queen for protection and so the Treaty was made. There is no mention of principles, foreshore, seabed, customary rights or water.
Mary Brooks, Tauranga
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