The Bay of Plenty Times welcomes letters and comments from readers. Here you can read the letters we have published in your newspaper today.
Recession is wrong time to upgrade waterfront
Like many others I certainly support an eventual upgrade of the Tauranga waterfront but I do not believe that this is the correct time to commence what will potentially be a major and very expensive project involving, besides the upgrade of the waterfront, the relocation of 300 carparks, all at a considerable cost.
The negative of undertaking partial improvements at this time is that there is nothing to guarantee that future improvements will not have to result in the removal of work already undertaken as we have seen from council repeatedly in the past. Rather than commencing a major new project, the council and councillors should be accepting that this country is still suffering from the effects of the global financial crisis along of course with the Christchurch earthquake rebuilding costs, which both add to costs of finance and affect ratepayers.
Closer to home ratepayers will obviously be affected, even if only to a smaller degree, by the Rena costs and to a greater degree the devastating Psa disease that has hit our kiwifruit industry.