On the September 15, 2016, Winston Peters officially opened the newly relocated New Zealand First Tauranga electorate office at 45 Grey St.
in 1993 Winston was told he'd be lucky to get 5,000 votes in the Tauranga electorate, before he went on to win it comfortably. The win prompted the question, "Winston, are you going to start a new party?" and here we are 23 years later, opening our new electorate office in Tauranga.
We are the fastest-growing political party in New Zealand. The majority of our new members who came to celebrate the office opening were aged 30-55. Part of the reason for this growth is that we have remained true to our principles: if it's good for New Zealand, and good for all New Zealanders, it's New Zealand First policy. It really is common sense.
Thursday was a great night in the CBD. We had such a big crowd that we had to move out of the office and into the arcade to fit everyone. It was clear to everybody there that Winston still has a lot of passion for the birthplace of the party, showing himself completely up-to-date with our local affairs, challenges and opportunities. With a mixture of memories and humour, the sentimental led to the practical with two new major policy announcements. Winston first announced an end to the tolls on Route K, to relieve heavy-vehicle pressure on Cameron and Cambridge Roads; and called for an investigation into a Tauranga Light Rail system.
Transport is key for us, as I continue demanding the blue party honour their promises to double lane Turret Road and 15th Ave.