We all have awesome summer memories. Some are of pashing chicks (I'm a guy, my mind naturally went there first), some involve the water, some involve nakedness in the water. I reckon that we spend too much time remembering and not enough time creating. We can be forgiven though, we have the destroyer of potentially great memories on our back every day; stress!
But when we finally shake that off and do get away, we sometimes even waste that time doing stuff we don't really want to do; looking after the kids, making food for guests/annoying family who decided that now would be the best time to just turn up, unannounced. With their dog, that's unresponsive to any command. I digress. We waste our holidays.
Not me (well, not this one, anyway). I've just spent the best part of a week at my partner's family bach on Lake Taupo (yup, lucked in there)! There is so much to do there. List of planned activities and apparatus taken:
• New mountain bike
• Golf clubs
• Fly fishing gear
• Life jacket for kayaking
• Rabbit
• Gin
List of things I used over the whole week:
• Gin
Relaxing 101: Plan lots, do none of it. But have it there as an option should the whim tickle you. I made a point of sleeping in past when my radio show finishes each day. If I woke before that (once), I played stupid games on my phone like a defiant child until 9am ticked over.