Luka, 6, Arlo, 4, and Myla, eight months, hadn't seen their grandmother since Myla was three months old.
The kids all said they were excited to see their Nana - Lynley said the boys had been awake and waiting since 6am.
Lynley was excited for her mother, Rachel, to see how much Myla had grown.
"Now she's sitting up and moving around - before she was like a little blob."
The timing of Auckland's lockdown was particularly cruel for Rachel, who had not long retired in order to spend more time with her grandchildren.
Her grandchildren all live out of Auckland.
Lynley said they'd had lots of FaceTime calls and were grateful for technology.
"I think it's been harder for her because we've been out and about. She's been stuck at home."
Nana Rachel reunites with Luka and Arlo after months apart. Photo / Talia ParkerAt last, Nana Rachel came through the doors.
Luka yelled "Nana!" and the boys ran straight over.
The long-awaited hug was "great" for the family.
"I've had so many flights [to Tauranga] booked", said Rachel. "These kept getting cancelled because of lockdown extensions.
When she found out the border was definitely reopening, she "just started crying."
She was particularly emotional about Myla having grown so much.
"I've missed so much of her. So many milestones."
Myla, Luka, Lynley, and Arlo waiting for Nana's plane to arrive. Photo / Talia Parker Also waiting by the window was Stephen, whose daughter Danielle hadn't been home in over a year.
Aside from an emergency visit he took across the Auckland border three months ago, he hadn't seen her since the lockdown began.
"She's been in lockdown for so long.
"I'm sure she'll be quite happy to be at home."
When Danielle arrived, she said it was "great to be home".
"Great to be out of Auckland."
She will be able to attend her sister's wedding this weekend.
Meanwhile, tears began to fall as Nicola was reunited with her sister-in-law Michelle and her nephew Jack.
Michelle (left) and her son Jack reunite with Nicola. Photo / Talia ParkerNicola hadn't seen her nephew since he was 10 weeks old. Now he's six months.
Michelle said her son looked "really happy" to see his auntie.
Lockdown had "been awful," said Nicola. "Exceptionally tough."
They had also had lots of FaceTime calls, but Nicola said they're "nothing like the real thing."
Nicola was heading to Michelle's home to also reunite with her three-year-old niece.
A mother and daughter, who didn't want to be named, also reunited after nearly six months apart.
The doting grandmother was in tears as she hugged her infant grandchildren.
She hadn't seen her granddaughter since she was five weeks old.
She'd found lockdown "really tough. Really hard."
"I couldn't come down to help out when she [her grandaughter] was little."
"It's incredible" to see them again, she said. "Very emotional."
A Tauranga Airport spokesman said there were six flights from Auckland arriving in Tauranga yesterday .
He said it was "absolutely awesome" at the airport yesterday morning.
"The place was busy, really busy, but it was just great with the arrivals to see families and stuff being reunited again."
Breakfast News estimated that 20,000 people will travel out of and into Auckland today.t