Western Bay of Plenty volunteers were out in all weather laying traps and ensuring native birds and flora can survive as part of Conservation Week.
Conservation volunteer John Rowlandson spends hours each week trapping “the baddies” — stoats, possums, rats, feral cats — to protect his favourite place, The Blade, at the end of Whakamārama Rd.
He’s a member of Friends of the Blade, a volunteer group formed to develop a pest-free zone around the Pā Kererū walking track and the rest area. The area is named after a massive bulldozer blade that was left behind from one of the rimu mills from early last century.
More than 40 volunteers visit all the trap lines about every fortnight to record dead pests, re-bait and reset the traps.
John got involved when he met people in the community who were already involved, so he went along to see what it was about. That was about six years ago. He loves being outdoors, and hitting predators to give the native wildlife a fighting chance.